SNPCheck V4

SNPCheck is a tool for performing batch checks for the presence of SNPs in predicted PCR primer binding sites.

SNPCheck is back online. Please report any problems with the service to .

Include dbSNP data

Include 1000 Genomes data

Include ESP data


SNPCheck is a tool for performing batch checks for the presence of SNPs in predicted PCR primer binding sites. Single primer pairs can be checked using the primer input box above. To use the tool, enter your primer pair and then click the 'SNPCheck' button.

For information on primer input format, and other details, please see the documentation section.

SNPcheck is now operated by EMQN and Certus Technology.


If you encounter any problems with the service, or would like to submit a suggestion for changes or improvements to the tool, please contact us. We are always happy to hear from our users.

SNPCheck Documentation

What is SNPCheck?

How do I SNPCheck my primers?

What do the results look like/what do they mean?

What do the warnings in the results mean?

How are variants that are filtered out presented in the results?

How can I store the results?

For BRCA primers how do I deal with the large number of variants that are being reported?

What is 1000 Genomes data and why should I check my primers against it?

Why do we need separate 1000 Genomes data in SNPCheck - doesn't dbSNP have it already?

How do I use 1000 Genomes and/or ESP data in SNPCheck?

How do I apply filter settings to the 1000 Genomes or ESP datasets?

What information can I find in the SNPCheck results?

How do I find out more about a 1000 Genomes or ESP SNP?

How do I find out more about a 1000 Genomes or ESP SNP?

Why is the build information different for 1000 Genomes amnd ESP data?

Get in touch


Certus Technology Associates Limited

Hems Mews

86 Longbrook Street



United Kingdom

Phone number
+44 (0) 1392 270930


Unit 4, Enterprise House

Pencroft Way

Manchester Science Park


M15 6SE

United Kingdom

Phone number
+44 (0) 161 757 1591

SNPCheck was developed by NGRL Manchester.

GeneTools is a collaboration between Certus Technology and EMQN

Certus EMQN

We would also like to acknowledge NCBI, and in particular dbSNP, for publishing the data which is used by SNPCheck.